I hate the yellow thing. I could pretend this was part of some SLAPT training exercise, and honestly I would love to see this level of ferocity in my recruits, but this is about me wanting to hurt the stupid yellow thing. I'm not really sure why but my hatred for it burns with the flames of a thousand suns and so I must hunt it and punish it.
I am angry. Sometimes when I eat chicken I'm not angry. But the rage always returns. This is my story.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The Time Has Come
These are dark times indeed. Various foul beasts openly roam the streets. The humans stumble about, drooling on themselves, oblivious to the danger. And these buffoons are the primary source of chicken! I can no longer sit idly by and allow the situation to worsen.
I have attempted in the past to create a dog army, but have failed because most of my canine brethren are weak-minded fools who can't, or won't, follow orders. Recent events have given me a new idea for the creation of my army. I have been contacted by two brave papillons who have pledged their allegiance to me. While an army of dogs may have failed an army of papillons will be unstoppable!
Okay, so their fighting style is a little weak. I am confident with my brilliant training methods that I can mold them into dangerous combat machines. And then there is the issue of their names, Snuggle Bum and Honey Bun. I mean I know it's not like Chloe strikes fear into your heart when you hear it, but then you see me and realize I am one to be reckoned with. I'm not sure they have that same presence. But I think I have a solution to this problem, upon induction into my army I shall assign new recruits code names. For these two I'm thinking Death Bringer and Tony.
And so I shall create the Size: Large Army of Papillon Terror or SLAPT. My minions will soon sweep across the planet, gathering all of the chicken and destroying any that dare oppose us!
Be warned world, you are about to get SLAPT.
I have attempted in the past to create a dog army, but have failed because most of my canine brethren are weak-minded fools who can't, or won't, follow orders. Recent events have given me a new idea for the creation of my army. I have been contacted by two brave papillons who have pledged their allegiance to me. While an army of dogs may have failed an army of papillons will be unstoppable!
Okay, so their fighting style is a little weak. I am confident with my brilliant training methods that I can mold them into dangerous combat machines. And then there is the issue of their names, Snuggle Bum and Honey Bun. I mean I know it's not like Chloe strikes fear into your heart when you hear it, but then you see me and realize I am one to be reckoned with. I'm not sure they have that same presence. But I think I have a solution to this problem, upon induction into my army I shall assign new recruits code names. For these two I'm thinking Death Bringer and Tony.
And so I shall create the Size: Large Army of Papillon Terror or SLAPT. My minions will soon sweep across the planet, gathering all of the chicken and destroying any that dare oppose us!
Be warned world, you are about to get SLAPT.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
El Gato Terribles
My humans found me a really good bone and I've been spending all my free time chewing it. I'd apologize for the lack of posts, but I really don't care. My brilliance is a gift, be thankful for what you get.
That said recent events have jolted me from my bone chewing haze. I have long heard rumors of sinister creatures of the night called "Cats." Most other dogs I have spoken to view them with a mixture of hatred and fear. Some, however, claim they are keepers of dark secrets on how to manipulate and control humans. Strangely I have never encountered them personally and in the past I have even considered seeking them out to see to determine what they truly are. That has changed.
I first saw one of the foul beasts while on a walk:
And then shortly thereafter one appeared on the fence that surrounds my back yard:
I know not why they have suddenly appeared but I instantly realized that these "Cats" are dangerous and terrible beasts and I was foolish to have thought I might be able to learn from them. Their teeth and claws are brutal weapons, sharpened to a razor edge. They are able to climb and jump with a level of skill that before I have only seen in much smaller creatures. Though I have a spotted them during the day, they seem to mostly come at night, mostly. I can only imagine what nefarious activities they are hiding in the dark.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
The Pigeon
I have obtained information that may indicate the humans are better prepared to deal with the Deer Threat than I thought at first. While the source of the information in unreliable at best, he didn't seem to have any reason to lie...
Birds are dumb, frustrating to talk to, and distractingly tasty. They are, however, gifted with the ability to speak many languages and, of course, fly. This at least gives them the potential to be a useful source of information. When I happened to run across a local pigeon I resisted the urge to eat him and instead tried to see if I could learn anything about the Dear Menace.
"Hey, pigeon!"
"Hey, dog! You gonna chase me?"
"Depends. You know anything about deer?"
"What's to know? You got any bread crumbs? I loves me some bread crumbs. OH! YEAH!"
"Uhh, no, sorry. There seems to be a lot of deer around lately, and they have those spiky things pasted to their heads, make me nervous."
"I REALLY WANT SOME BREAD CRUMBS! I'm jonesing bad, man. Deer don't fly, so I'm not worried. But you don't have to either. Do you know where I might find some bread crumbs?"
"No. If you help me out I might be able to get you a little kibble. But I need to know why I don't have to worry about deer."
"Pshh, dog food tastes like dog food! Booya! Yeah, BOY!"
"Umm, okay."
"Ya know, dog, I like you. You're pretty cool for a dog. Not barking an' trying to eat me and stuff. That's pretty chill, for a dog. You don't gotta worry about the the deer because when the weather gets cool the humans bust out their thunder sticks and BANG! BANG! DEER STEW, BOY! Boom shakalaka! Happens every year. And the deer that escape go hide in the deep forest. You sure about the bread crumbs?"
"Uhh, yeah, Thanks, I think."
"LISTEN! You see any breadcrumbs, you remember I hooked you up with the legit info. Later, D O G!"
Obviously he's crazy and I can't trust him, but it gives me some hope. I will remain vigilant.
Birds are dumb, frustrating to talk to, and distractingly tasty. They are, however, gifted with the ability to speak many languages and, of course, fly. This at least gives them the potential to be a useful source of information. When I happened to run across a local pigeon I resisted the urge to eat him and instead tried to see if I could learn anything about the Dear Menace.
"Hey, pigeon!"
"Hey, dog! You gonna chase me?"
"Depends. You know anything about deer?"
"What's to know? You got any bread crumbs? I loves me some bread crumbs. OH! YEAH!"
"Uhh, no, sorry. There seems to be a lot of deer around lately, and they have those spiky things pasted to their heads, make me nervous."
"I REALLY WANT SOME BREAD CRUMBS! I'm jonesing bad, man. Deer don't fly, so I'm not worried. But you don't have to either. Do you know where I might find some bread crumbs?"
"No. If you help me out I might be able to get you a little kibble. But I need to know why I don't have to worry about deer."
"Pshh, dog food tastes like dog food! Booya! Yeah, BOY!"
"Umm, okay."
"Ya know, dog, I like you. You're pretty cool for a dog. Not barking an' trying to eat me and stuff. That's pretty chill, for a dog. You don't gotta worry about the the deer because when the weather gets cool the humans bust out their thunder sticks and BANG! BANG! DEER STEW, BOY! Boom shakalaka! Happens every year. And the deer that escape go hide in the deep forest. You sure about the bread crumbs?"
"Uhh, yeah, Thanks, I think."
"LISTEN! You see any breadcrumbs, you remember I hooked you up with the legit info. Later, D O G!"
Obviously he's crazy and I can't trust him, but it gives me some hope. I will remain vigilant.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Barbarians at the Gate
Last night I heard noises in the front yard and went to investigate. One of the dreaded deer was there, brazenly eating the grass. IN MY YARD! I needed to alert the humans, if they saw this maybe they would finally understand the gravity of the deer situation. Unfortunately the humans have the bad habit of either ignoring me or, for some strange reason, yelling at me when I bark in the middle of night. I knew I had to be extra loud and frantic to get their attention. It took a minute and left me rather hoarse but finally one came to investigate. He opened the curtain, took a look around, and then did the most inexplicable thing I could imagine: He patted me on the head and said, "It's just a deer. Go back to sleep."
Just a deer!?! There are giant creatures with sharpened spikes strapped to their heads invading our neighborhood and I'm not supposed to be concerned? I know humans are a little slow, but really? They don't see the problem!?! Since it appears I'm the only one who can see what's going on I must be prepared for the neighborhood to fall into the clutches of the evil deer. My first choice is to fight, but the time may come I when need to flee and regroup. In preparation I have begun construction of an escape tunnel under the backyard fence. I hope I don't need it, but I fear I will.
Just a deer!?! There are giant creatures with sharpened spikes strapped to their heads invading our neighborhood and I'm not supposed to be concerned? I know humans are a little slow, but really? They don't see the problem!?! Since it appears I'm the only one who can see what's going on I must be prepared for the neighborhood to fall into the clutches of the evil deer. My first choice is to fight, but the time may come I when need to flee and regroup. In preparation I have begun construction of an escape tunnel under the backyard fence. I hope I don't need it, but I fear I will.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
The Threat Grows
The deer situation continues to grow increasingly troublesome. Although they haven't undertaken any overtly hostile actions, they seem to be stepping up their surveillance efforts. The local fields have dried up as the summer has progressed and the deer are using the brown grass for cover to conduct their spy missions.
Such primitive techniques are of course not enough to fool someone with my acute sense of smell, unfortunately the deception may work on the other, simpler, inhabitants of my neighborhood. While I have been unable to fully ascertain their intentions, it seems obvious that they are trying to covertly gather information. As they continue to move deeper and more boldly into the neighborhood, I can only assume their intentions are sinister. Worse yet, I fear they may have an ally.
I have never given much thought to the local rabbit population, except as a possible snack food. Recently, however, I have noticed a substantial increase in their numbers. Like the deer, they seem to be trying to quietly monitor things, barely moving as I pass, foolishly hoping I won't notice them.
I have repeatedly tried to convince the humans to let me capture and interrogate them, but the stubborn fools, blissfully unaware of the potential danger, always drag me away. I do not know for certain that they are connected to the deer, but it seems odd that the increase in their numbers and movement has coincided so closely with the deer influx. I desperately need more information. I MUST find a way to get it.
Such primitive techniques are of course not enough to fool someone with my acute sense of smell, unfortunately the deception may work on the other, simpler, inhabitants of my neighborhood. While I have been unable to fully ascertain their intentions, it seems obvious that they are trying to covertly gather information. As they continue to move deeper and more boldly into the neighborhood, I can only assume their intentions are sinister. Worse yet, I fear they may have an ally.
I have never given much thought to the local rabbit population, except as a possible snack food. Recently, however, I have noticed a substantial increase in their numbers. Like the deer, they seem to be trying to quietly monitor things, barely moving as I pass, foolishly hoping I won't notice them.
I have repeatedly tried to convince the humans to let me capture and interrogate them, but the stubborn fools, blissfully unaware of the potential danger, always drag me away. I do not know for certain that they are connected to the deer, but it seems odd that the increase in their numbers and movement has coincided so closely with the deer influx. I desperately need more information. I MUST find a way to get it.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Crazy Joe
A couple houses down from me lives a dog named Prince or Pasha, or something, I forget. Doesn't matter because I call him Crazy Joe. You see he's crazy, I mean like really bonkers, and Crazy Prince just sounds stupid. I've never actually seen him, he doesn't ever seem to come out from behind his fence, but I found a drawing of what I think he looks like.
Generally I ignore him, but since he's within easy barking distance I decided to see if he knew anything about the possible Deer Invasion. I didn't imagine he would be the most reliable source of information but I needed to see if I could get anything useful from him. Unfortunately it went even worse than I expected. This was our conversation:
"Hey Joe, you there?
"Uh, yeah. Sorry." See how crazy he is? "So, Joe, have you noticed all these deer things hanging around? I'm a li..."
"MY NAME IS PRINCE. P R I N C E. Prince. If you can't call me by my right name I'm not talking to you."
"Jeez, Joe, no nee.."
"If I ever get out I'm going to hurt you."
And then he wouldn't talk anymore. Crazy and unreasonable. This is what I have to work with.
Generally I ignore him, but since he's within easy barking distance I decided to see if he knew anything about the possible Deer Invasion. I didn't imagine he would be the most reliable source of information but I needed to see if I could get anything useful from him. Unfortunately it went even worse than I expected. This was our conversation:
"Hey Joe, you there?
"Uh, yeah. Sorry." See how crazy he is? "So, Joe, have you noticed all these deer things hanging around? I'm a li..."
"MY NAME IS PRINCE. P R I N C E. Prince. If you can't call me by my right name I'm not talking to you."
"Jeez, Joe, no nee.."
"If I ever get out I'm going to hurt you."
And then he wouldn't talk anymore. Crazy and unreasonable. This is what I have to work with.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The Deer
I have finally learned the name of the strange creatures invading my neighborhood as I heard the humans refer to them as "Deer." This name does not seem to convey an appropriate level of dread and danger for such a frightening creature. I believe an innocuous name might be part of their plan to lull the less intelligent members of the community into a false sense of security.
Their activity grows increasingly troublesome. Rarely do I go for a walk without seeing at least one of them and they seem to be venturing increasingly farther from what I assume is their base of operations in the nearby forest. Alarmingly my continued attempts to gather intelligence on their true motivations have failed miserably. I fear that they have noticed my efforts and have begun monitoring my movements as I got the distinct impression they were watching me on this morning's walk.
I am not on particularly good terms with the other dogs in the neighborhood, partly because they are idiots and partly because they refuse to elect me as Supreme Chancellor. Regardless, I may need to reach out to them for I feel the situation is growing increasingly dire and I must take some sort of action before it is too late.
Their activity grows increasingly troublesome. Rarely do I go for a walk without seeing at least one of them and they seem to be venturing increasingly farther from what I assume is their base of operations in the nearby forest. Alarmingly my continued attempts to gather intelligence on their true motivations have failed miserably. I fear that they have noticed my efforts and have begun monitoring my movements as I got the distinct impression they were watching me on this morning's walk.
I am not on particularly good terms with the other dogs in the neighborhood, partly because they are idiots and partly because they refuse to elect me as Supreme Chancellor. Regardless, I may need to reach out to them for I feel the situation is growing increasingly dire and I must take some sort of action before it is too late.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The Squirrel
I have been trying to capture a squirrel to interrogate about the strange new creatures in my neighborhood. I quickly discovered that while squirrels are very loud and stupid, they compensate for this by being quick and excellent climbers. My initial attempts were unsuccessful. Squirrels seem to be constantly chattering, so are easy to locate, but I had difficulty finding one far enough away from a tree that I could catch it before it climbed to safety.
However on my last walk I saw further evidence that the strange creatures are growing in numbers, I counted no less than five! This being the the case I redoubled my efforts to capture a squirrel. At first I continued to be thwarted by their speed, but finally my luck changed and the squirrels stupidity came into play. Instead of disappearing up a tree, it climbed a stump and I was able to cut off it's escape.

While I couldn't quite reach it, there was nowhere for it to go. I waited for a bit while it fidgeted and angrily chattered at me. When it eventually calmed down and simply sat there staring I prepared to make my offer of safe passage in exchange for information. It was at this point I realized the fatal flaw in my plan: I DON'T SPEAK SQUIRREL. And of course squirrels are far too mentally challenged to even begin to comprehend dog. Sometimes you don't see the forest for the trees... And my intelligence gathering operation is back to the drawing board.
However on my last walk I saw further evidence that the strange creatures are growing in numbers, I counted no less than five! This being the the case I redoubled my efforts to capture a squirrel. At first I continued to be thwarted by their speed, but finally my luck changed and the squirrels stupidity came into play. Instead of disappearing up a tree, it climbed a stump and I was able to cut off it's escape.

While I couldn't quite reach it, there was nowhere for it to go. I waited for a bit while it fidgeted and angrily chattered at me. When it eventually calmed down and simply sat there staring I prepared to make my offer of safe passage in exchange for information. It was at this point I realized the fatal flaw in my plan: I DON'T SPEAK SQUIRREL. And of course squirrels are far too mentally challenged to even begin to comprehend dog. Sometimes you don't see the forest for the trees... And my intelligence gathering operation is back to the drawing board.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Disturbing encounter on my walk this morning. I have seen these creatures before, but only from a distance. I thought they might be some sort of horribly ugly dog, but after getting a closer look and a smell, I realize they are most definitely not dogs.
They are considerably larger than I estimated from my previous viewings, and even more troubling, they didn't seem particularly afraid of me. Most of the forest creatures show proper respect and give me a wide berth, but not these strange animals. Although they weren't aggressive this time, I fear their continued presence in my neighborhood may be a precursor to some sort of attack or invasion. Their impressive size, crazed look and head weapons gives even me pause for thought.
I need more information. The local squirrels seem to travel significant distances and have good vantage points from the trees. I believe they may be a good source of information. I shall attempt to capture and interrogate one.
They are considerably larger than I estimated from my previous viewings, and even more troubling, they didn't seem particularly afraid of me. Most of the forest creatures show proper respect and give me a wide berth, but not these strange animals. Although they weren't aggressive this time, I fear their continued presence in my neighborhood may be a precursor to some sort of attack or invasion. Their impressive size, crazed look and head weapons gives even me pause for thought.
I need more information. The local squirrels seem to travel significant distances and have good vantage points from the trees. I believe they may be a good source of information. I shall attempt to capture and interrogate one.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The Human Walk
I have often heard the humans mention a place called "The Store." I have noticed that more often than not when humans say they are going to go to "The Store" when they come back they have chicken. I have also noticed that I am never taken along. Since "The Store" is apparently some sort of giant chicken repository, this is a serious issue.
Humans, being discriminatory morons, often have stupid no dogs allowed rules. The sheer idiocy of such regulations boggles my mind, however this might be why I'm not allowed to go to "The Store." After some contemplation it occurred to me that if I am able to imitate a small human, perhaps I will be allowed to go. The upside to the humans stupidity is that they should be relatively easy to fool. Because they are about as perceptive as rocks I believe that if I can imitate their silly and awkward way of walking that will be enough to disguise myself.
Standing on two feet isn't especially difficult, but I am having difficulty with the walking. It's somewhat miraculous that something as dense as a human is able to move around like this. I am sure given time I will be able to master it.
Humans, being discriminatory morons, often have stupid no dogs allowed rules. The sheer idiocy of such regulations boggles my mind, however this might be why I'm not allowed to go to "The Store." After some contemplation it occurred to me that if I am able to imitate a small human, perhaps I will be allowed to go. The upside to the humans stupidity is that they should be relatively easy to fool. Because they are about as perceptive as rocks I believe that if I can imitate their silly and awkward way of walking that will be enough to disguise myself.
Standing on two feet isn't especially difficult, but I am having difficulty with the walking. It's somewhat miraculous that something as dense as a human is able to move around like this. I am sure given time I will be able to master it.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
The Door
To get to the backyard at my house I go through what the humans call "doggie doors" or what I call "properly designed doors." The backyard has a fence around it, so except for the occasional bird flying in nothing much interesting happens. The front yard, having no fence, is a veritable hive of continuous activity, filled with numerous things to chase, bark at and otherwise harass. It, however, is protected by a "stupidly designed door" that I am unable to operate. Wildly barking at stuff through the window can be entertaining, and I spend much of my day doing just that, but it's just not the same as being out there laying the smack down in person.
Since the humans have shown no inclination to fix the "stupid door", or let me out it without my leash on for that matter, I have taken to carefully studying it's operation. I believe I understand how it functions and have no trouble reaching the part that makes it open:
Thus far I have had no success in manipulating it correctly with my mouth or paws. I will continue trying of course, but the humans seem to fear me gaining the ability to operate the door and usually try to stop me after a couple of attempts. Perhaps I can practice more at night...
Since the humans have shown no inclination to fix the "stupid door", or let me out it without my leash on for that matter, I have taken to carefully studying it's operation. I believe I understand how it functions and have no trouble reaching the part that makes it open:
Thus far I have had no success in manipulating it correctly with my mouth or paws. I will continue trying of course, but the humans seem to fear me gaining the ability to operate the door and usually try to stop me after a couple of attempts. Perhaps I can practice more at night...
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I don't like kibble. Yeah it's nutritionally sound and honestly packs a lot of energy into a small package. I imagine if I ever get around to raising a dog army to overthrow the stupid human oppressors I will fuel it with kibble. But it's so boring and tastes so meh...
This is me when I only ate kibble:
Sure the vet claimed I was healthy, but I certainly wasn't the beautiful and perfect animal you see today. What changed? I found that sweet, sweet, nectar of life: Chicken. I love it in all it's forms, jerky, boiled, barbequed, fried and I'd probably like it raw if the humans weren't such pansies about it. I just finished a piece and it was really good. It's left me feeling surprisingly charitable and I'd like to do a little something for all the other dogs, so here's a little message for all of you canine oppressors out there:
This is me when I only ate kibble:
Sure the vet claimed I was healthy, but I certainly wasn't the beautiful and perfect animal you see today. What changed? I found that sweet, sweet, nectar of life: Chicken. I love it in all it's forms, jerky, boiled, barbequed, fried and I'd probably like it raw if the humans weren't such pansies about it. I just finished a piece and it was really good. It's left me feeling surprisingly charitable and I'd like to do a little something for all the other dogs, so here's a little message for all of you canine oppressors out there:
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
In the Beginning
People ask why I'm so angry. Normally I bite them for talking to me. But sometimes my jaw gets tired, so I've decided to try and answer. There's probably more than one reason, but I always remember the first time I got really angry.
When I was a puppy I lived with my Mom, brother, sister and a bunch of other stupids dogs. We all had to share toys and they all smelled like other dogs and were dirty and covered in drool. I hated that. Then one day my humans came and took me to my new house. I missed my Mom, but I got my own toys and my own bed and best of all my own ball.
It was a good ball, it had that great new ball smell and wasn't covered in someone else's drool. The squeaker worked and it was loud. I loved my ball.
Eventually my stupid brother came to visit and he tried to take my ball. I beat the crap out of him.
The humans told us not to fight and took my ball. They said I could have it back later, but it was MY ball and he started it. It wasn't fair and I was MAD. I barked and growled and raced around. The funny things was, I liked being angry. I liked the way it made me feel.
That's why I started being angry I think. But the fact everyone who's not me is a moron keeps it going. Oh does it ever...
When I was a puppy I lived with my Mom, brother, sister and a bunch of other stupids dogs. We all had to share toys and they all smelled like other dogs and were dirty and covered in drool. I hated that. Then one day my humans came and took me to my new house. I missed my Mom, but I got my own toys and my own bed and best of all my own ball.
It was a good ball, it had that great new ball smell and wasn't covered in someone else's drool. The squeaker worked and it was loud. I loved my ball.
Eventually my stupid brother came to visit and he tried to take my ball. I beat the crap out of him.
The humans told us not to fight and took my ball. They said I could have it back later, but it was MY ball and he started it. It wasn't fair and I was MAD. I barked and growled and raced around. The funny things was, I liked being angry. I liked the way it made me feel.
That's why I started being angry I think. But the fact everyone who's not me is a moron keeps it going. Oh does it ever...
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Everything is Stupid
This was in my front yard this morning:
It looks delicious. Or at the very least fun to chase. But will my stupid humans open the door so I can go after it? No, of course not. Because humans are stupid. Now I have doors that I can operate to get into the backyard. But does anything tasty ever find it's way into the backyard? No, of course not. Why? BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS STUPID!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Why is it that you can have twenty chew things, toys and balls strewn across the room, but the one you REALLY want is stuck underneath the stupid, uncooperative, senseless, heavy, annoying, spiteful, imbecilic, moronic and impossible to move piece of furniture?
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The Chicken Face
Humans are morons. For me this is both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand they are unpredictable and annoying, acting and reacting in ways that make no sense. On the other hand their limited mental faculties make them fairly easy to manipulate. My favorite manipulation method is what I refer to as the chicken face. It's a cute, but slightly sad, expression that I discovered would often get me fed treats, hence the name. But I quickly learned that with subtle adjustments to the cute/sad levels it could be used for many purposes. Humans having a conniption fit because I used a shoe as a chew toy? Chicken face. Need a back rub? Chicken face. Want to go on a walk? Chicken face next to door. Is it a perfect solution to their mental deficiencies? Of course not, but given what I have to work with I think it's an acceptable solution.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
I like to do my part to help the environment. I am confident in my ability to survive an apocalyptic wasteland, but I fear weaker animals, like humans and more importantly chickens, might die off. Without tasty chicken to munch on and humans to bring it to me, well let's just say I don't like to think about it. One way I have decided to contribute is to break down newspaper so it's quicker and easier to process it at the recycling plant. I think it's a brilliant way to help, but it seems to annoy my stupid environment hating humans. This has led to some conflict, but I will not back down from my ideals. And if they don't stop interfering they will pay with their fingers...
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
The Red Dot
The mystery of the red dot has long frustrated and perplexed me. What is it? It seemingly can't be killed, injured or even captured and yet whenever it makes an appearance I am compelled to try. I have spent countless hours chasing, biting, pawing at it, all to no avail. I have tried to ignore it, but it always draws me in with a hypnotic spell that I am unable to resist. I fear it may be part of some evil plot to distract or exhaust me...
Monday, May 9, 2011
My captivity at the hands of the evil stuffed contamination is finally over. My brilliant and daring escape went far better than I could have ever imagined. After using my superior intellect to trick one of the feeble minded guards into opening my cell I overpowered it and made my way into the stuffed animals' base. I was able to take out two more guards before an alarm was sounded and that was when fortune truly smiled on me. The Bear, the stuffed animals' behemoth of a leader, came after me itself. As it was thundering towards me the moron tripped over it's own colossal feet and I gained the advantage.
The Bear is defeated. The rest of the stuffed animals are hiding in terror. I will hunt them. There will be no one to stop me this time.
The Bear is defeated. The rest of the stuffed animals are hiding in terror. I will hunt them. There will be no one to stop me this time.
Friday, May 6, 2011
The stuffed fools have gone too far. The Bear and its nefarious henchmen launched a diabolical surprise attack which resulted in my capture.
My lone ally among the stuffed animals has managed to smuggle some chicken to me and get this message out. I am under heavy surveillance and I fear if J.J. continues to try to aid me the other stuffed animals will discover that I have an operative in their midst. I must escape soon.
I have tried to get a message to my hired muscle, Spaceflow or was it Downlow? Blast, I can never remember his stupid name. Unfortunately he has taken my orders to attack all stuffed animals on sight very seriously and J.J. has been unable to speak with him. It does not help that they are both morons. I need better lackeys. It's a good thing they can't read...
So it appears that I am on my own. Mark my words however: I WILL FIND A WAY TO ESCAPE AND I WILL MAKE THEM PAY. Originally I had planned to spare a few of the stuffed contagion to keep as slaves, now I will not rest until I have pulled every last piece of stuffing out of each and every one of them.
My lone ally among the stuffed animals has managed to smuggle some chicken to me and get this message out. I am under heavy surveillance and I fear if J.J. continues to try to aid me the other stuffed animals will discover that I have an operative in their midst. I must escape soon.
I have tried to get a message to my hired muscle, Spaceflow or was it Downlow? Blast, I can never remember his stupid name. Unfortunately he has taken my orders to attack all stuffed animals on sight very seriously and J.J. has been unable to speak with him. It does not help that they are both morons. I need better lackeys. It's a good thing they can't read...
So it appears that I am on my own. Mark my words however: I WILL FIND A WAY TO ESCAPE AND I WILL MAKE THEM PAY. Originally I had planned to spare a few of the stuffed contagion to keep as slaves, now I will not rest until I have pulled every last piece of stuffing out of each and every one of them.
Monday, May 2, 2011
The Lawn
When I was a puppy I was rolling around in the grass when I got a dead slug stuck in my fur. This led directly to a bath. I have never forgiven the lawn for concealing the slug from me. I thought using it as my personal toilet might be punishment enough, but that didn't seem to have much effect, so I decided further action was warranted. I will not rest until it is destroyed once and for all. The fact that it keeps trying to choke me only strengthens my resolve.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I admit I'm not the biggest dog in the world. Normally my keen intellect and ferociousness make up for my small stature, but sometimes a little extra muscle would have its uses. So even though I generally don't play well with others I decided recruiting a lackey could prove beneficial.
He calls himself Airglow or Glasgow, or maybe it was Shadow ... I forget. Don't really care, either. What's important is he listens, he's decent sized and he'll work for kibble! I get to keep all the chicken for myself! Heck, I usually just bury my dry food anyway, giving it to him will save me time. Only downsides are that he smells a little, okay a lot, and has the brains of a mentally defective squirrel on a catnip bender. Obviously I've got more than enough gray matter for the both of us. As for the smell, well maybe he's dumb enough to like baths.
Best of all if I climb on his back it will put me in easy jumping range of people's faces. Watch out world, Cornrow and I are coming for you.
He calls himself Airglow or Glasgow, or maybe it was Shadow ... I forget. Don't really care, either. What's important is he listens, he's decent sized and he'll work for kibble! I get to keep all the chicken for myself! Heck, I usually just bury my dry food anyway, giving it to him will save me time. Only downsides are that he smells a little, okay a lot, and has the brains of a mentally defective squirrel on a catnip bender. Obviously I've got more than enough gray matter for the both of us. As for the smell, well maybe he's dumb enough to like baths.
Best of all if I climb on his back it will put me in easy jumping range of people's faces. Watch out world, Cornrow and I are coming for you.
Monday, April 25, 2011
The Monkey
The Rainbow Monkey is dead. Significant? Not particularly. Still, let us take a moment to ponder his demise.
Now let's eat some chicken jerky, because I really don't give a crap about the stupid monkey.
Now let's eat some chicken jerky, because I really don't give a crap about the stupid monkey.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
A New Ally?
A strange new stuffed animal recently appeared. I, of course, added it to my things to kill list, but as it didn't seem particularly noteworthy, I put it in the low priority section. Today, however, it requested a private meeting.

I agreed to attend, initially because I thought it would provide an easy opportunity to chew it's face. To my great surprise it made an interesting proposal that has spared it's face for now. It calls itself J.J. the Rabbit. J.J. suggested that we could join forces to overthrow the stuffed animal leader, The Bear, and, as J.J. put it, "Bring about a rabbity reign of terror in the Stuffed Kingdom."
Although I find the thought of allying with any stuffed animal extremely distasteful, The Bear has proven to be a formidable opponent. If I could gain the aid of one it's own kind I might finally be able to defeat it. Without The Bear's protection the stuffed animals would be no match for me and I could finally eliminate their threat, freeing me to concentrate on more important matters. I will follow my own advice about trusting any of the stuffed contagion and remain cautious. Even if this turns out to to be a trick of some sort I know if I am vigilant I can minimize any threat and then make J.J. pay with it's face.
I agreed to attend, initially because I thought it would provide an easy opportunity to chew it's face. To my great surprise it made an interesting proposal that has spared it's face for now. It calls itself J.J. the Rabbit. J.J. suggested that we could join forces to overthrow the stuffed animal leader, The Bear, and, as J.J. put it, "Bring about a rabbity reign of terror in the Stuffed Kingdom."
Although I find the thought of allying with any stuffed animal extremely distasteful, The Bear has proven to be a formidable opponent. If I could gain the aid of one it's own kind I might finally be able to defeat it. Without The Bear's protection the stuffed animals would be no match for me and I could finally eliminate their threat, freeing me to concentrate on more important matters. I will follow my own advice about trusting any of the stuffed contagion and remain cautious. Even if this turns out to to be a trick of some sort I know if I am vigilant I can minimize any threat and then make J.J. pay with it's face.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Small Humans
I tolerate certain humans, mostly because they've proven adept at finding me chicken. I try to chew the faces of other humans, because they look at me funny, or they smell bad, or they are morons, or because I feel like it. But there is one subtype of human that continues to vex me to no end: The Miniature Human. I might be able to endure the obnoxious noise, quick movements and sticky, grabby, hands if I was able to teach those hands a lesson. But unfortunately the larger humans are extremely protective of the smaller ones. Merely nip at one and it's like whoever overreacts the most gets a lifetime supply of free chicken. Worse, if you try to take one out when the big humans aren't looking their innate defense is highly effective. The horrific ear drum splitting shrieks make it almost impossible to concentrate, let alone mount an effective offensive. I have heard rumors of dangerous, evil, creatures known as "Cats", that have developed a method of dealing with the small humans. I must be cautious, but perhaps I can find a way to learn their dark secrets.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Because of the growing threats I face I have decided to implement a training regimen to ensure that I maintain top fighting form. I hate to even suggest that humans might have the right idea about something, but I must admit these Ninjas of theirs do seem rather impressive. Thus my initial focus has been on speed and agility.
It seems rather obvious that I don't have much work to do in the quickness department, but I must concede that I have never excelled at one of the other important attribute's of a Ninja: Stealth. I've always been one to attack first and ask questions never, but lately I have been trying to enhance my surveillance skills, which in turn has bolstered my ability to be stealthy. A little more work and my enemies, and the world, will see a new and powerful force of nature unleashed: The Ninja Papillon.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Dark Lord
A threat far greater than even the stuffed scourge has woken from it's slumber. The Dark Lord of the Closet has emerged once again to spread it's noisy terror to my lands. I fought bravely but was eventually forced to retreat.
I have noticed that it seems to feed on the insides of the stuffed animals that I have left scattered across the floor. Though it pains me greatly I may need to temporarily refrain from the destruction of the stuffed horde until I can defeat the Dark Lord. If it is gaining some sort of sustenance from the stuffing, perhaps depriving it of the food source will weaken it enough that my attacks will prove more effective. Even if this tactic is successful, there is a further complication to my battle plan: The stupid humans have taken to storing the dried chicken in the foul beast's closet. I need that chicken to keep my strength up, but I am unsure how I will get to it with the Dark Lord standing guard. I have much to contemplate.
I have noticed that it seems to feed on the insides of the stuffed animals that I have left scattered across the floor. Though it pains me greatly I may need to temporarily refrain from the destruction of the stuffed horde until I can defeat the Dark Lord. If it is gaining some sort of sustenance from the stuffing, perhaps depriving it of the food source will weaken it enough that my attacks will prove more effective. Even if this tactic is successful, there is a further complication to my battle plan: The stupid humans have taken to storing the dried chicken in the foul beast's closet. I need that chicken to keep my strength up, but I am unsure how I will get to it with the Dark Lord standing guard. I have much to contemplate.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Special Delivery
The noisy brown truck was here. In the past the boxes it left behind have contained reinforcements for the stuffed animals, grooming products and other unspeakable horrors, so I decided to take no chances.
Although the contents of this box turned out to be harmless, I must remain vigilant.
Monday, April 11, 2011
The Bear
My struggle against the stuffed plague continues. I have come to believe that they are lead by a giant known as "The Bear." Striking at the individual members of their collective has proved surprisingly ineffective at keeping them in line, so I decided to assault their leader directly. My hope was that seeing The Bear humiliated and unstuffed would dissuade them from continuing their guerrilla war. Unfortunately, it has proved resistant to my attacks, even when I attempted to strike at it's supposedly weak underbelly.
I have been unable to tear out even the smallest bit of stuffing. I fear that the The Bear may have some sort of secret armor. I will continue probing for it's Achilles heal. In the meantime I must remain watchful in case the other stuffed animals view the initial failure of my attack as weakness. I will not hesitate to make an example of any who would challenge me directly.
I have been unable to tear out even the smallest bit of stuffing. I fear that the The Bear may have some sort of secret armor. I will continue probing for it's Achilles heal. In the meantime I must remain watchful in case the other stuffed animals view the initial failure of my attack as weakness. I will not hesitate to make an example of any who would challenge me directly.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Bad Day
It all started this morning when I went outside to potty. (I still don't understand why the humans get to potty in the house and I don't. IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. They seem to forget I know where they sleep. One day I will take revenge for their stupid rules.) Anyway, it was cold and had rained, my paws got wet and the stupid eaves dripped on my head. There was a dumb bird twittering on the fence and when I jumped up to kill it I slipped and fell in a puddle. I came back inside, wet and miserable, wanting to squeak my ball for a minute, when one of the stupid humans tried to take it.
After recovering the ball I went to the window to check on things and discovered that the neighborhood had been invaded by some sort of hideous dog/horse mutant hybrid.
Normally I would have sprung into action and gone to battle the evil trespassers, but considering how my day was going I decided growling under my breath was the safer course of action. I need some chicken ....
After recovering the ball I went to the window to check on things and discovered that the neighborhood had been invaded by some sort of hideous dog/horse mutant hybrid.
Normally I would have sprung into action and gone to battle the evil trespassers, but considering how my day was going I decided growling under my breath was the safer course of action. I need some chicken ....
Friday, April 8, 2011
NEVER Trust a Stuffed Animal
I should have known better. It was too good to be true. But the pink one had always seemed relatively honest and more respectful of my authority than the others. So when it told me it had seen the humans burying chicken in the backyard I set out to find it.

Two hours, numerous holes and enough dirt under my nails to grow a garden, I realized I had been tricked. The guilty have been punished:

If, however, this results in a bath, I will not stay my hand. Not just the pink one's friends, no, all of stuffed kind will feel my wrath.
Knock Knock
I can't show you what happened next because my stupid human says it's "Too violent" and "Might get me banned from Youtube" and "Could be used in a lawsuit." Sissy.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Anger Management
Some morons sent me anger management tips. My thoughts:
Sunday, April 3, 2011
On Guard

There have been scattered reports of random humans, and even other dogs, walking on the sidewalk outside my house. THIS VIOLATION WILL NOT STAND. I am currently conducting surveillance to ascertain exactly who these ne'er do wells are. After I have gathered enough information, I will need to acquire a large quantity of chicken to ensure my strength is up. Then my vengeance will be swift and merciless.
The Stuffed Menace
I have come to believe that my stuffed toys are plotting against me. Missing chicken, disappearing balls, strange noises that send me into a rage at night. Normally the noises wouldn't be an issue, but even I need my beauty rest. Although I have been unable to catch them red-handed, I decided to make an example of one of them by tearing out it's stuffing. You would think seeing their friend's insides strewn across the room would give them pause for thought, but still chicken goes missing. I may need to take more extreme measures.

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