Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Door

To get to the backyard at my house I go through what the humans call "doggie doors" or what I call "properly designed doors." The backyard has a fence around it, so except for the occasional bird flying in nothing much interesting happens. The front yard, having no fence, is a veritable hive of continuous activity, filled with numerous things to chase, bark at and otherwise harass. It, however, is protected by a "stupidly designed door" that I am unable to operate. Wildly barking at stuff through the window can be entertaining, and I spend much of my day doing just that, but it's just not the same as being out there laying the smack down in person.

Since the humans have shown no inclination to fix the "stupid door", or let me out it without my leash on for that matter, I have taken to carefully studying it's operation. I believe I understand how it functions and have no trouble reaching the part that makes it open:

Thus far I have had no success in manipulating it correctly with my mouth or paws. I will continue trying of course, but the humans seem to fear me gaining the ability to operate the door and usually try to stop me after a couple of attempts. Perhaps I can practice more at night...

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