Friday, July 22, 2011


Disturbing encounter on my walk this morning. I have seen these creatures before, but only from a distance. I thought they might be some sort of horribly ugly dog, but after getting a closer look and a smell, I realize they are most definitely not dogs.

They are considerably larger than I estimated from my previous viewings, and even more troubling, they didn't seem particularly afraid of me. Most of the forest creatures show proper respect and give me a wide berth, but not these strange animals. Although they weren't aggressive this time, I fear their continued presence in my neighborhood may be a precursor to some sort of attack or invasion. Their impressive size, crazed look and head weapons gives even me pause for thought.

I need more information. The local squirrels seem to travel significant distances and have good vantage points from the trees. I believe they may be a good source of information. I shall attempt to capture and interrogate one.

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